Saturday, February 25, 2012

Instrumental Music Staff Contact Information

Melanie Herd, Band Director
Office phone: (620)-555-5555
Cell phone: (620)-999-5555

Rachael Johnson, Guard Instructor
Cell phone: (620)-999-5554

Mitchell Howard, Director Aid (College Student)

Rebecca Bennett, Strings Director
Cell phone: (620)-888-7777

Mission Statement

The mission of the music program is to foster musical learning and growth while challenging and motivating students to develop as responsible, independent learners inside and outside of the music classroom.

Music education provides students with enjoyable opportunities to develop musical skills, self-discipline, confidence, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills. Students, teachers, and staff work together in a positive way to achieve their best as a team, enjoy enriching musical experiences, and maintain a classroom environment that benefits all learners. Parent support and encouragement play a vital role in the success of this department.

Band Program Goals and Objectives

  • To assist students in developing performance skills and facilitate their growth as independent musicians.
  • To provide students with an outlet for self-expression and creativity.
  • To facilitate students' development of life skills, including responsibility, honesty, dedication, teamwork, and leadership skills.
  • To expose students to music theory and history concepts, their importance, and their relevance to students' current and past musical experiences.
  • To develop a sense of community among band members.
  • To provide students with a variety of musical/performing experiences that also meet needs in the school and community.

Schedule of Events

*In regards to athletic events, times listed on this schedule indicate the time the event is scheduled to start--they do not necessarily reflect the time that band members need to be in the band room beforehand. Please review the attendance policy for this information.

August 6 - 10, 2012; 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - High school band camp. Details TBA.
August 31, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. - Football vs. Jetmore
September 14, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. - Football vs. Cunningham
September 21, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. - Football vs. Macksville
October 12, 2012 (Homecoming)
@ 1:00 p.m. - Homecoming Parade (Report to the band room at 12:15 p.m.)
@ 7:00 p.m. - Football vs. Haviland
October 26, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m. - Football vs. Skyline
October 30, 2012 @ 6:00 p.m. - 5-12 strings concert in the high school auditorium.
November 10, 2012 @ 10:00 a.m. – Marching Band festival in Dodge City. (Details TBA)
December 13, 2012 @ 6:30 p.m. – High school vocal/band program in the high school auditorium.
December 14, 2012 @ 6:00 p.m. - Basketball vs. Bucklin
January 11, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. - Basketball vs. Lewis
January 25, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. - Basketball vs. Wilmore
February 15, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. (Homecoming) - Basketball vs. Fowler
March 4, 2013 – League Solo/Ensemble Festival in Meade. Times TBA.
March 8, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. - Basketball vs. Greensburg
March 15, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. - Basketball vs. Minneola
March 21, 2013 - Regional strings/orchestra festival in Dodge City. Times TBA.
March 28, 2013 – Regional Solo/Small Ensemble Festival in Bucklin. Times TBA.
April 4, 2013 – State Large Ensemble Festival in Pratt. Times TBA.
April 16, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m.- 5-12 strings concert in the high school auditorium.
April 20, 2013 – State Solo/Small Ensemble Festival in Wichita. Times TBA.
May 3, 2013 @ 6:30 p.m. – High school vocal/band program in the high school auditorium.

Band Curriculum/Explanation of Ensembles

Concert Band
This is the overarching ensemble in the high school band program for the entire school year. No audition is required. Members of concert band will perform on school music concerts and annual contests and festivals (see "Schedule of Events"). Additionally, they will be expected to participate in the marching band (during football season) and in pep band (during basketball season).

Marching Band
Marching band is an athletic component of the concert band ensemble. (Students in concert band are automatically in marching band.) Rehearsals occur during the concert band time. (The director will determine which rehearsals will be devoted to concert band literature and which will be devoted to marching band.) While drill routines are not as vigorous as they are at the university level, some level of physical fitness is necessary to participate. The director should be notified of any student health concerns before rehearsals begin in August. This ensemble performs in the fall, at all home football games. Non-band members are welcome to submit an application for color guard.

Pep Band
Pep band, like marching band, is a component of concert band. Students enrolled in concert band are required to participate. (Rehearsals also take place during the concert band time.) Members are required to play at all home basketball games and possibly, depending on the basketball teams' success, at post-season tournaments.

Jazz Band
This is an ensemble that students may choose to audition for. Jazz band plays at community events and on the band concerts (see schedule). Auditions are held in late September, and rehearsals commence in October. Rehearsals are at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Performances are generally in the spring semester only.
Chamber Ensembles
Smaller chamber ensembles will be formed in the spring semester in preparation for
small ensemble contest. No audition is necessary; however, these groups may only
be formed at the request of the director or with director approval. In some cases, these
groups may be invited to perform for a community event or school music concert.
Possible groups include woodwind quintet, brass quintet, saxophone quartet, horn
ensemble, trombone quartet, flute choir, clarinet choir, and percussion ensemble.
Students are encouraged to pursue this opportunity.

Expectations and Consequences


Be responsible.

  • Be on time to and prepared for all rehearsals and performances. (Bring all necessary materials listed above.) This means you should have your instrument assembled, music out, and be in your assigned seat ready to begin at the time class is scheduled to start. Individual warm-up exercises may take place until the director steps onto the podium.
  • Resolve conflicts in a positive, professional way.
  • Ask appropriate questions.
  • Adhere to performance dress code, and take pride in your appearance.

Be open-minded.

  • Work energetically with your ALL of your fellow musicians to reach goals.
  • Communicate with teachers and peers in positive ways.
  • Be accepting of different types of music. There is something to learn from EVERY piece we study.

Be respectful.

  • Respect other students’ rights to learn and the teacher’s right to teach.
  • Respect music resources and the belongings of others. YOU are responsible for keeping track of, maintaining, and properly storing your instrument, equipment, and music (this includes school-owned instruments and equipment). Use of any equipment that is not your own requires permission from the director.
  • Participate fully in every rehearsal and performance.
  • Follow instructions the first time, and follow the conductor.
  • Respect the learning environment by not bringing food, drinks (other than water), gum, or electronic devices to class.


Students who choose not to follow one or more of the classroom expectations can expect one or more of the following consequences to occur:

  • Verbal/nonverbal reprimand
  • Student conference
  • Detention
  • Restriction on participation in events (i.e., concert, festival, etc.)
  • Parent contact/conference
  • In-school or out-of-school suspension

*The teacher will administer consequences as she deems appropriate in each individual situation.

Band Program Goals and Objectives

  • To assist students in developing performance skills and facilitate their growth as independent musicians.
  • To provide students with an outlet for self-expression and creativity.
  • To facilitate students' development of life skills, including responsibility, honesty, dedication, teamwork, and leadership skills.
  • To expose students to music theory and history concepts, their importance, and their relevance to students' current and past musical experiences.
  • To develop a sense of community among band members.
  • To provide students with a variety of musical/performing experiences that also meet needs in the school and community.

Attendance Policy

Absences are considered excused if they meet the criteria outlined in the school-wide attendance policy. The student/parents are responsible for notifying the school/director prior to an anticipated absence.

A missed performance will result in the lowering of the student's grade by one letter grade.

The following outlines the procedures that the student and parent should follow in regards to absences:
  • Notify the director in advance.
  • Fill out and submit the absentee form in the school office.
  • Submit a parent's or doctor's note in the case of absence due to illness.
  • If a band activity is scheduled for that day, call the band office as well as the school office to clear the absence.
  • In case of emergency, a phone message may be left on the band answering machine/instructor's voicemail.
  • Students are responsible for follow-up after an absence (gathering information/assignments, etc.)
An unexcused absence will result in the loss of participation points for that day. If a student acquires two unexcused absences, he/she will not be permitted to play in the next scheduled performance. This will cause the student's grade to be lowered by one letter grade.

Playing at athletic events is part of the "band tradition," and is a requirement for all band members. Expectations for these performances is outlined below.


For games beginning at 7:00 p.m., all marching band members will report to the high school band room at 5:50 p.m. in uniform. Here, band members will collect and assemble their instruments, music, and equipment. After a brief warm-up, the director and drum majors will march the band to the high school football field at 6:30 p.m. Band members are to sit in the designated band section and be prepared to play at all times unless otherwise instructed by the director.


The band will play for all varsity girls' and boys' home basketball games. For games beginning at 6:00 p.m., all band members will report to the high school band room at 5:10 p.m. in their band t-shirts and jeans. After collecting and assembling their instruments, music, and equipment and a brief warm-up, the director will lead the band to the high school gymnasium field at 5:30 p.m. Band members are to sit in the designated band section and be prepared to play at all times unless otherwise instructed by the director.

*The director will address individual needs on a case-by-case basis.

The Roles of the Band Student and Parent

Duties of the Band Member:
  • Follow all classroom expectations and procedures as outlined in the band handbook.
  • Approach rehearsal and performance with a positive attitude.
  • Make responsible choices inside and outside the classroom.
  • Work toward musical improvement daily (this includes practicing outside of class!).
  • Strive for good academic standing in all other coursework.
  • Demonstrate individual musical insight (play musically).

Role of the Band Parent:
  • Be aware of policies and procedures outlined in the handbook. Make sure these are followed, and that the agreement form is signed and returned.
  • Ensure that his or her student is present at all band functions.
  • Encourage behavior that promotes musical development (daily practicing!).
  • Contact the band director if any questions or issues arise.
  • Monitor students' care of their instrument. Realize that repair to school-owned instruments can be expensive!
  • Keep up-to-date on the band schedule of events.
  • Support his or her student in their musical endeavors, and acknowledge achievement and hard work.
  • Be willing to provide some assistance at band events. Our wonderful booster club provides most assistance, but we may occasionally need some extra hands! Willing volunteers are always invited to e-mail the director!

Financial Obligations

High school band students will be financially responsible for the following:
Band instrument
A student may purchase their own instrument or rent one from the school. Percussionists will be expected to purchase or rent their sticks and mallets. (Refer to the handbook sections on instrument rental, instrument/mouthpiece information, and percussion accessories.)

Stick bag (percussionists)

Method books
Students taking private lessons will need to purchase their own instrument-specific
method book. Please see the handbook section on method books for specific information.

Reeds (for clarinets, oboes, saxophones, and bassoons)
Reed instrument students should have at least three reeds at all times.

Band t-shirt
The band t-shirt will be the "uniform" for pep band games and other performances.
T-shirts cost $20 each. Parents are welcome to purchase shirts for themselves as well. Ordering forms will be distributed by the director.

Long khaki pants
Along with the band t-shirt, this will comprise the uniform for pep band games and other
performances. Khakis should be "nice"--no rips, tears, holes, patches, or anything that
would make the student wearing them stand out from the group.

Marching shoes
These cost $25 per pair, and are part of the standard band uniform. The director will collect sizing information during band camp.

Lyre and flip folder
These will be necessary for rehearsals and possibly performances. These can be
purchased at a music store at low cost.

Valve oil
All valved instruments (trumpet, cornet, French horn, mellophone, tuba, Sousaphone,
baritone, euphonium) should have this at rehearsals. Valve oil can be purchased at a music

Slide grease (trombones)
This can also be purchased at music stores. Trombone students should bring it to all

While the booster club and school provides for many of these needs, students should
expect to pay for some meals at events such as athletic events and festivals.

Marching Band Camp

This year's marching band camp will be held Monday, August 6th through Friday, August 10th (the week before classes start) at the high school football field and band room.

Participation in band camp is mandatory for the following reasons:

1. Students have the opportunity to learn basic marching skills

and develop marching proficiency.

2. Band camp allows for significant progress in learning the drill,

memorizing music, and pairing music with the drill.

3. Band camp facilitates band growth, learning, and band unity.

Camp will begin at 8:00 a.m. on the football field every morning. This means that band members should be on the field no later than 7:50 a.m. to ensure they are ready to go at 8:00. Camp will consist of marching technique instruction, music rehearsal, drill rehearsal, and sectionals. Because of the unique demands of playing in the drum line, percussionists will rehearse separately with the percussion instructor for a large part of camp.

Students should wear TENNIS SHOES with socks, and clothes suitable for marching in the warm weather (although the majority of outdoor rehearsals will be in the morning). Students need to bring their instruments, lyres, flip folders, and music. Bottled water will be supplied. The band boosters will provide lunch at 11:30 a.m. each day in the cafeteria. Band camp will end at 2:00 p.m. each day.

All procedures and policies regarding student conduct will apply during band camp. Students are expected to be punctual, give their best efforts during all rehearsals, respect band staff and members, and maintain a professional attitude.

To celebrate the students' hard work during camp and mark the beginning of a new school year, all band students and parents are encouraged to attend the annual band cookout and water fight on Friday, August 10th at 5:00 p.m. at Bradley Park.


Band members should keep in mind that there are responsibilities that go along with the privilege of school-provided transportation. While traveling on the bus, please adhere to the following policies:

1. Because bus transportation is funded by the band program and the school district, only band members, chaperones, and designated staff are permitted to ride the bus. No extra “friends.”

2. The bus driver ultimately has the responsibility and authority while you are on the bus. If he/she gives instructions about anything, you should comply. Chaperones will help enforce any rules from the driver.

3. Students will sit with no more than two passengers occupying a seat. Seat partners must be of the same sex.

4. Faculty, staff, and chaperones have the right to move individuals to another seat for any reason they deem valid. Chaperones are on the trips to help with discipline and students are expected to cooperate. Chaperones also are representatives of the band and school and are expected to demonstrate patience and maturity while working with students on the bus.

5. You are ultimately responsible for your own behavior. General behavior expectations apply:

a. Pick up your trash!

b. Keep hands and arms inside the bus at all times.

c. Excessively loud or boisterous behavior should be avoided.

d. Stay in your seat unless you have a very good reason for moving.

e. Comply with all adults that help with the band.

f. Be courteous at all times.

Should a student choose not to follow these guidelines, individual and/or group consequences will be administered as deemed appropriate.

All students are required to meet at the high school parking lot and ride the buses provided. THIS IS SCHOOL POLICY! If you want to ride home with your parents or legal guardians, you must follow these guidelines:

1. When the band is ready to depart, your parent/guardian must personally talk to the director and then sign the parent/guardian release form.

2. You are not excused from your obligation until the full band is excused.

3. You may ONLY ride home with a parent or guardian. Permission will not be granted to neighbors, older brothers/sisters, friends, etc.

Contests, Competitions, and Festivals

The high school band participates in contests, competitions, and festivals throughout the school year. These venues provide students with opportunities to perform for a variety of audiences and competent judges, gather feedback and criticism, and listen to literature performed by their peers. Performing at these events also helps develop team unity within the band.

I believe that healthy competition promotes motivation within the band and reflects the nature of our society. I also believe that giving our absolute best effort, not necessarily winning, is our ultimate goal at these events.

The following are the contests, competitions, and festivals we are scheduled to perform in this year. Specific departure times and performance schedules will be announced closer to the scheduled dates. These performances are also indicated on the master Schedule of Events.

November 10, 2012 @ 10:00 a.m. - Marching Band Festival in Dodge City.

March 4, 2013 - League Solo/Ensemble Festival in Meade.

March 28, 2013 – Regional Solo/Small Ensemble Festival in Bucklin.

April 4, 2013 – State Large Ensemble Festival in Pratt.

April 20, 2013 – State Solo/Small Ensemble Festival in Wichita.

Extra Rehearsals

Because the band director realizes that students' schedules are busy with schoolwork, athletics, and other extracurricular activities, she will try to avoid scheduling rehearsals outside of class time. Students and parents are, however, asked to understand that this may be necessary at times, especially before concerts and festivals.

These rehearsals will be announced at least one week in advance. Attendance is required by all band members. The regular band rehearsal attendance policy applies.

Materials Needed for Class

Band members will need the following items for every rehearsal. (Some items are specific to certain instrument types.) Students are expected to come to class prepared; this is reflected in the band classroom expectations.

  • A sharpened pencil
  • Instrument (including sticks and/or mallets for percussionists)
  • Music, folder, lyre
  • Clarinets and saxophones: at least three reeds.
  • Brass: valve oil
  • Trombones: water bottle.
  • Oboes and bassoons: at least two reeds and water canisters for soaking.