This year's marching band camp will be held Monday, August 6th through Friday, August 10th (the week before classes start) at the high school football field and band room.
Participation in band camp is mandatory for the following reasons:
1. Students have the opportunity to learn basic marching skills
and develop marching proficiency.
2. Band camp allows for significant progress in learning the drill,
memorizing music, and pairing music with the drill.
3. Band camp facilitates band growth, learning, and band unity.
Camp will begin at 8:00 a.m. on the football field every morning. This means that band members should be on the field no later than 7:50 a.m. to ensure they are ready to go at 8:00. Camp will consist of marching technique instruction, music rehearsal, drill rehearsal, and sectionals. Because of the unique demands of playing in the drum line, percussionists will rehearse separately with the percussion instructor for a large part of camp.
Students should wear TENNIS SHOES with socks, and clothes suitable for marching in the warm weather (although the majority of outdoor rehearsals will be in the morning). Students need to bring their instruments, lyres, flip folders, and music. Bottled water will be supplied. The band boosters will provide lunch at 11:30 a.m. each day in the cafeteria. Band camp will end at 2:00 p.m. each day.
All procedures and policies regarding student conduct will apply during band camp. Students are expected to be punctual, give their best efforts during all rehearsals, respect band staff and members, and maintain a professional attitude.
To celebrate the students' hard work during camp and mark the beginning of a new school year, all band students and parents are encouraged to attend the annual band cookout and water fight on Friday, August 10th at 5:00 p.m. at Bradley Park.
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