Contract of Mutual Consent
Please deliver this signed contract to either the band director or the high school office by July 11, 2012. Students will not be allowed to participate in band activities until this document is on file.
I, _________________, marching band student, have read and agree to follow the expectations, regulations, and policies set forth in the band handbook. I understand that failure to comply with band and school expectations stated in this handbook may result in consequences, including dismissal from the band. I accept the responsibilities that come with membership in this band.
I, __________________, marching band parent, have read and understand the expectations, regulations, and policies set forth in the band handbook. I grant full permission for my child to be an active member of the high school band and attend all band functions. I also understand I must meet financial obligations.
________________________ _____________
(Student Signature) (Date)
_________________________ _____________
(Parent Signature) (Date)