This is the overarching ensemble in the high school band program for the entire school year. No audition is required. Members of concert band will perform on school music concerts and annual contests and festivals (see "Schedule of Events"). Additionally, they will be expected to participate in the marching band (during football season) and in pep band (during basketball season).
Marching Band
Marching band is an athletic component of the concert band ensemble. (Students in concert band are automatically in marching band.) Rehearsals occur during the concert band time. (The director will determine which rehearsals will be devoted to concert band literature and which will be devoted to marching band.) While drill routines are not as vigorous as they are at the university level, some level of physical fitness is necessary to participate. The director should be notified of any student health concerns before rehearsals begin in August. This ensemble performs in the fall, at all home football games. Non-band members are welcome to submit an application for color guard.
Pep Band
Pep band, like marching band, is a component of concert band. Students enrolled in concert band are required to participate. (Rehearsals also take place during the concert band time.) Members are required to play at all home basketball games and possibly, depending on the basketball teams' success, at post-season tournaments.
Jazz Band
This is an ensemble that students may choose to audition for. Jazz band plays at community events and on the band concerts (see schedule). Auditions are held in late September, and rehearsals commence in October. Rehearsals are at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Performances are generally in the spring semester only.
Chamber Ensembles
Smaller chamber ensembles will be formed in the spring semester in preparation for
small ensemble contest. No audition is necessary; however, these groups may only
be formed at the request of the director or with director approval. In some cases, these
groups may be invited to perform for a community event or school music concert.
Possible groups include woodwind quintet, brass quintet, saxophone quartet, horn
ensemble, trombone quartet, flute choir, clarinet choir, and percussion ensemble.
Students are encouraged to pursue this opportunity.
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