Lesson time: 30 minutes
Skill set goal: To play quarter notes, quarter rests, half notes, and half rests on the first five notes of the concert Bb major scale, maintaining a consistent tempo and appropriate use of air and phrasing.
Concepts: Steady beat, quarter/half note values, ensemble "togetherness" (accuracy), breath mark, phrasing, use of air.
1. Set-up/instrument assembly (5 minutes)
2. No. 15 - Rhythm Rap verbal counting with numbers.
--half notes, quarter notes, half rests, repeat sign
3. No. 16 - The Half Counts.
--Sing first, then play.
--Compare rhythms with rhythms from the "Rap."
--Focus on steady beat, rhythmic accuracy. Have percussionists play steady
--Review fingerings as needed. (Every student has a fingering chart.)
4. No. 18 - Go Tell Aunt Rhodie.
--Introduce the breath mark.
--Sing first, breathing in appropriate places.
--Introduce idea of phrasing. "Phrases are musical sentences."
--Reinforce use of steady air.
5. If time: Music note flashcard game.
--Show flashcards of notes concert Bb, C, D, Eb, and F to the students. (Cards will
need to account for transpositions on each instrument. Sections should be isolated,
especially at first.) Without talking, students play the note they see on their
instrument. Alternate between sections, maybe build harmonies. Increase speed
as students progress.
6. Put away instruments and prepare to exit class.